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John Hammond showcases cybersecurity content that is real and genuine.

It's not all Hollywood-hacking like in the movies — it is raw, authentic and personable. Viewers join the journey of troubleshooting, debugging, and
live-learning in the moment, making the viewer experience more engaging, approachable, and relatable.

Get your message out from the voice of a trusted member of the security community.

Engagement & ROI

Clickthrough rate varies, but typically your CTA link will receive 500-2000 clicks within a week of lead time.

To best gauge the effectiveness of our partnership, you will receive:

  1. The analytics of the video or social promotion you were featured in.

  2. The number of users who clicked on your call-to-action link.

Your call-to-action link will be wrapped in a short link under the domain, with a customizable suffix of your choosing.
(i.e., https[:]//

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Terms & Conditions

  1. Sponsorships can include products, services, job openings, events, other calls to action, or general awareness about your product or service.

  2. We reserve the right to refuse sponsors for any reason.